Students Representative Council (SRC)
It is a prestigious honor to officially launch a newly created page of SRC to the entire student populace and it’s pertinent and prudent to have a unique recognition among numerous organizations. Having a web page is the most important part of every organization’s brand by creating a significant impact on public perception. Since time memorial SRC as a unique body has no page on its own, but today SRC under the leadership of His Excellency the PRESIDENT has created an official unique PAGE to authenticate the smooth running of the 2020/2021 administration and beyond.
The SRC is an intermediary between management and students and a mouth piece for students in the University College fraternity. It seeks academic, moral and social welfare of students to enhance their settlement into the society. The SRC as an instrument of modern democracy is structured on the national governance system. They are the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. It has over the years engaged in projects and activities that have brought relief and comfort to students.